Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Blog. The brief is: to produce a music video, a digipak cover, and magazine advert for the digipak. Throughout the course we will be learning about conventions (general and genre specific) used for each of these products.
RM - Sean Kingston - Party All Night (Sleep All Day) Deconstruction
Artist: Sean Kingston Song: Party All Night (Sleep All Day) Genre: Pop Audience: 15 - 24 Year Released: 2011
Shaun Kingston’s “Part All Night (Sleep All Day)” is a hybrid music video featuring both performance and concept aspects. Both the performance and concept elements of the music video are linked throughout through the use of jump cuts.
This performance aspect features Sean Kingston lip-syncing in front of a black background. During the performance aspect of the music video there is a serious lack of shot variations which the majority being medium close ups of Kingston’s face. As well as this a number of shots are repeated if the lyrics are as well an example of this is to the top left. However this video also has a number of effects running through the entire video which can be added by using editing software such as Final Cut. Despite this the same effects are used therefore the audience gets bored of these as well as the lack in shot variety. During the performance in front of the black screen it appears beams of light have been added by adding them in during the editing procedure. These beams of light are placed across the chest of the protagonist therefore focusing the audience’s attention more on the face of the vocalist. An example of this is located bottom left. Taking the attention off the vocalist’s appearance isn’t a common convention in this genre.
During the concept part there are three scenarios. In all of these the shots are repeated the only difference being the location. An example of this is the 360 degree pan, which is a take on the Matrix. This shot is first seen by the audience in a living room where Kingston is surrounded by people dancing around the room whilst he himself is dancing (on the spot) and lip-syncing. This is again repeated in the club, again people are dancing around the room whilst Kingston is dancing on the spot and lip-syncing. This is also repeated in warehouse however instead of Kingston being included the focus is on someone break dancing. This is partically shown in the shot located to the right top. Throughout these three scenarios cartoon style font appears. This cartoon style font is in fact some of the lyrics of the song and appears when Kingston sings them. There are several other examples of this one is when Kingston wakes up, the only difference being what date it is, and at the end of the music video the shot is just reversed. This shot is featured to the bottom right. During this scene cartoon text is used to signify that his alarm clock has gone off as well as the text messages he has got which anchor the location of the next scene before the audience views it.
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