Artist: Nirvana
Album: Nevermind
Album Producer: Butch Vig
Album: Nevermind
Album Producer: Butch Vig
Record Company: DGC Records
Genre: Grunge
Year Released: 2011 (originally released in 1991)
Year Released: 2011 (originally released in 1991)
Additional Information: 20th Anniversary Edition, this features the basic CD as well as B-Sides, Smart Studio Sessions, The Boombox Rehearsals and BBC sessions.
The writing style used in this digipak is the same style as their previous one (Bleach) except from the title "Nevermind" which ties into the artwork as it is written in a style similar to that of water.
The digipak also contains a small booklet containing photographs of the band with brief information about the album and credits on the songs included on the two CDs. The outer-casing has a blue theme, with an image of a baby swimming under water, with a dollar waving on front of it, the blue theme carries on apart from on one of the interior panels where a red panel with a monkey appears. On the inside the theme is that of a notebook with handwritten song listings.
denotation is a really key tool and process; you're lacking a lot of detail on these, which means any analysis is also limited